Professor Amos Laar
Principal Investigator, Ghana
School of Public Health, University of Ghana, Legon
Professor Amos Laar is a tenure-track academic at the University of Ghana School of Public Health. Currently, his research and professional practice focus on three distinct, yet related areas of public health: Bioethics (including food ethics, ethics & public health); Public Health Nutrition (including food systems, food environments, and their nexus with nutrition-related non-communicable diseases); Social Public Health (including how physical environments, social environments, as well as commercial, and political forces influence realization of health).
Professor Laar is the Principal Investigator of the IDRC-funded ‘MEALS4NCDs project’, which is providing Measurement, Evaluation, Accountability and Leadership Support for NCDs prevention in Ghana, as well as the IDRC/Rockefeller Foundation-funded ‘Healthier Diets for Healthy Lives Project’, which aims to build evidence and mobilize multi-stakeholder actions toward policies for healthier and equitable consumer food environments that reduce the double burden of malnutrition in Ghana.